
My dreams

1.  I want to visit world heritages all over the world. I heard that we can live some world heritages from TV. It made me so excited!

2.  I want to speak Italian very well because I like Italy so much. I want to go to Italy, so I should be a master of Italian.

3.  I want to go abroad with my family. I have been to somewhere in Japan, but I have never been to Europe, Australia, Asia, and so on.

4.  I want to see " Mona Lisa " in the Louvre. Many people all over the world visit there every day. I saw " Mona Lisa " only TV, magazines. But I want to see it actually.

5.  I want to have so many cats!!! I like cat because it's so cute!! But I can't have a pet now because I live in an apartment. I must live other house, first.

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