
Text book DVD

Unit1  Olive oil was used by many people in ancient time, of course now. It was indispensable for Mediterranean people. We associate that Puerto Pican food is very spicy and it's famous its very hot chili pepper. Today it's used for many kind of dishes all over the world. I don't like hot chili pepper like wasabi and red pepper.

Unit2  Only male humpbacks sing, it's unknown reasons. It's not correct that male humpbacks sing to attract females. I want to see them close up!! There are many kind of dogs. They play an active role. For example, work at airports, heip sick people ata hospital and so on. Many humans get along with dogs. They are so wise!

Unit3  No one knows thereason for Tutankhamun's death. Even if we use the latest technology, we can't find the answers. I often watch  Tutankhamun's mistery on TV. And we can't find the reason Iceman was killed. He may was killed by someone. I want to know both misteries.

Unit4  Grand Central Terminal is in the impotant place of Manhattan. There are many people about 700,000 a day. I was very surprised and it's incredibility for me. Thanks to kind people, there keep protecting. Mumbai also good place, is the vibrant city and a natural first stop for visitors. Many passengers visit there now.

Unit5  Hurricane Katrina was oneof the costliest natural disasters. Many houses went to ruin, but residents rebuild them because they love their own town. There is process of storm formation. Warm, humid air moves upward first. These stories made me fearful. We have to prepare in case so kind of disasters.

Unit6  Fishing with liquid cyanide, is a very dangerous material. I want coral polyps to live strong. So we should help them to continue to survive. I think that sharks eat humans, but to tell the truth they don't eat us. I was surprised that they have 3,000teeth in several rows. I knew that real sharks, but I am still scared...

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