
My review of " Chocolate "

  It's a book about chocolate.
As you know, chocolate has more than 300 different flavours in it.
Switzerland is the country have people eat the most chocolate in the world.
1,500 years ago, the Maya people made chocolate from cacao beans, for the first time.

  To my surprise, people had chocolate as a drink.
But only rich families could have it because it was very expensive.

  In this book, there are many pictures.
For example, Sachertorte, A chocolate eclair, Churros and recipe for American cookies.
I want to eat chocolate soon!

  It took a few days, to read this book, and this book have many words.
But this book fit me perfectly.

3 件のコメント:

  1. I love sweets... I want to eat chocolate right now! orz I had brushed my teeth... lol

  2. I ate a lot of chocolate today.
    I like strawberry chocolate very much.

  3. I like sweets!And chocolate too.
    When I went to Macdonald,I drank 'chocolate shake'.
    That's taste is ,,,,,,,,good.
    But I think it was too dark flaver.
    So I like Starbacks' charamel frapechino than chocolate shake :D
