
elllo#1004 Touchy Feely

Cheryl has lived in Hong Kong, there most people usually don't touch each other. It is a common sense in Asia. When she lived in America, she often hug people, it is indeed American. In Guam people kiss on the cheek to with their friends and family. Most Japanese are shy, and I am shy too. Mabe I would be surprised if someone hug me suddenly.  I think that environment affects our characters when we are child. And native cultures also changes them. Countries have theirs own culutures, so it is interesting to find the differences between contries.

elllo#999 elllo then and now

Todd helped to make "elllo site". To do it, he started to do somewhere and interviewed a lot of people around the world. He could made a lot of friends. When he started to make it, he thought that quantity is more important than quality. I respect him because he is so active, I want to follow his example. "Elllo" has many topics of different things. I forgot to do it many times... Listening to elllo is a good way for me to improve my listening skill in English. But it is too difficult and fast to listen exactly English without sentense in English. I decide to listening elllo!!

elllo#944 Valentine's Day Around the World

In England, When Doron was junior school student, people used to have a little Valentine's post box in his classroom, and they write messages to their classmates. After then, they put messages in the box and teachers delivered them. I knew that people give only a letter not candy, chocolate and presents in England. I was so surprised! In Japan girls cook a chocolate, truffle, cookies and muffin and so on. On Valentine's Day girls give boys and their friends. I also have cooked Valentine's sweets every year. Of course in this year I am going to cook. I want to try a new sweet recipe!

elllo#899 Money and Charity

It is important to contribute money to charity, but there are some problems. It is we can't know if people really get charity money. Do you give money if you see childre on the street? What do you do if children ask for money? I may give money... Paul says that parents should take care about their children. Is it only a volunteer problem? I don't think so. It is difficult to separate with boundary between right and wrong.

elllo#840 Christmas Tree

Anja's family have the special space in her house just for the Christmas tree only Christmas time. I was surprised! My family decorate a small Christmas tree next to TV at Christmas time. Fred and Anja plan to decorate Christmas tree together. Fred has a big and tall tree, it is fifteen foot.  It looks so fun! I think it a good idea to decorate trees with my friends!! I want to try it in this year!

My review of " Help! "

Frank is a writer, but he hasn't worked for a few time. One day in the morning Teresa was very angry with him. He got a letter from Mel who is a Hollywood Producer. Mel is a big fan of Frank, so he gave Frank a new computer, television and car. Frank worked hard, but one day he was angry with the chatting computer, and he threw what Mel gave him all. He noticed the importance of her wife, Teresa. This story is very fantastic, and unbelievable. The new computer, television and car talked Frank!!  It must be a dream for Frank. This story is so interesting, and I was so excited!!


My winter vacation

I went to Osaka with my mother. There is my relative family. I was looking forward to meeting them! I stayed there for two days. There is a little girl, and I call her mokochan. She is so cute!! She is going to Tokyo Disney Land on her next birthday.  I went to HEP. I was very happy to window shop and to buy many clothes. I am going to Osaka in spring vacation again. So I want to go Hankyu department store and IKEYA next time!!